Music and Choirs

Music Ministry at Tuckahoe Presbyterian

Music and Choirs

Music is central to the worship life of TPC, and music is chosen to support and reflect the theme and texts of the Sunday morning worship service. Tuckahoe Presbyterian offers many opportunities for friends and members to become involved in music ministry.

For more info please contact Michelle Tuck, Director of Music Ministries @

Tuckahoe Chancel Choir

Join us for rehearsal on Thursday evenings at 7:15 PM, September – May.

Choral music is a much anticipated part of the Worship experience here at Tuckahoe each Sunday. The Choir also occasionally sings for special concerts and programs outside of the Church. A diverse repertoire of many styles of music from classical to contemporary is maintained. Our group’s age ranges from high school through adult. As a close knit group; we have a sharing and prayer time at the end of each rehearsal. No musical experience is required to participate- just a love for singing and worship! Come join us!

Tuckahoe Bell Choir

The hand bell choir regularly rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:15 PM. With three octaves of bells, this choir is made up of dedicated ringers. They are a joy to hear!! TPC Bells ring at least once per month during our Sunday Services. While the ability to read rhythms is helpful, no musical experience is required to join this group! Come ring with us!

Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir meets occasionally throughout the year during our scheduled Little Lights time, which is an opportunity for children ages 4-11 to learn with one another during the second half of our Sunday morning worship service.