Souper Bowl of Caring was originally founded by a church youth group. Even though the movement has since expanded from the faith community to many types of participating groups, it continues to be fueled by those coming together to worship and make a difference in their community. Since that day, more than $115 million has…
Read MoreSouper Bowl of Caring was originally founded by a church youth group. Even though the movement has since expanded from the faith community to many types of participating groups, it continues to be fueled by those coming together to worship and make a difference in their community. Since that day, more than $115 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need. Please give generously on Super Bowl Sunday.
Proceeds from this important fund raising effort will go directly to local food banks.
The congregation can “vote” with their contributions on Sunday before or after Worship to either the Rams or the Bengals.
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Click HERE for the Flower Calendar through Sign – up Genius Your Flower Dedication defrays the cost of providing the Chancel flowers. The beauty of God’s creation is mirrored in the gorgeous flower arrangements that grace our Chancel each Sunday morning at worship. This gesture can be in memory of loved ones, in honor…
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You will receive an email at the beginning of your week asking how you would like the dedication to be noted.
Flower arrangements are taken care of by Flower Committee and average $35-$40. You can place your contribution toward your dedication by sending a check with “Flower Dedication” in memo, placing in the offering plate, or by giving online.
Thank you!
Read LessPlan to join your Tuckahoe family for Campfire and Caroling on Sunday, December 19th at 5:00pm. All ages are welcome. If you want to walk around the neighborhood and sing, or if you prefer to sit around the campfire and sing, come and join the fun. Bundle up and bring a flashlight. We will sing at houses…
Read MorePlan to join your Tuckahoe family for Campfire and Caroling on Sunday, December 19th at 5:00pm. All ages are welcome. If you want to walk around the neighborhood and sing, or if you prefer to sit around the campfire and sing, come and join the fun. Bundle up and bring a flashlight. We will sing at houses on the streets around the church then return to the campfire to warm our fingers and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and cookies.
Read LessDec. 1st marks the beginning of our Advent season. “Advent” means “coming” or “arrival.” During the season of Advent, we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and actively watch and wait with expectant hope for his coming again. The Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church Christian Formation Director has assembled several different resources to help guide your spiritual…
Read MoreDec. 1st marks the beginning of our Advent season. “Advent” means “coming” or “arrival.” During the season of Advent, we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and actively watch and wait with expectant hope for his coming again. The Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church Christian Formation Director has assembled several different resources to help guide your spiritual journey through this holy season.
Engage your family in meaningful spiritual reflection with these devotions, designed to align with the weekly Advent candle themes:
Set the tone for Advent with curated playlists that reflect the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love:
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