NOTE – if you are looking to receive a Thanksgiving Food Box – We provide the boxes directly to the Henrico Department of Social Services.  You need to contact your Case Worker from DSS by November 20 to fill out a referral to receive a box


Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church Members and friends!

It’s that time of year again for the Henrico Thanksgiving Food Box Project.  This project provides food for the Thanksgiving Holiday for families and individuals receiving services through the Henrico Department of Social Services.  Now more than ever we need your support.  Economic hardships have created greater food instability for many of our neighbors.  These food boxes provide a Thanksgiving meal that many would not be able to have otherwise.

Please drop off your groups’ box in the church library by Thursday, November 21. 

Contact Meg Packard (337-2081) or Kay Keyes (360-7371) if you have any questions.

Note: Here is a flyer that includes a sign-up sheet that can be used with your group or organization.

Thanksgiving Boxes Flyer 2024