Partnering Together With God

We have been inspired by the testimonies of Walter Hogan, Jennifer Albertson, Ethan Park, Liz Creasman, and Chuck Shimer. You can view each of them here on our YouTube channel. Each of them has shared in very personal ways how the people of Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church have made a difference in their lives. We have loved hearing about mission trips, parent’s nights out, hunger ministries, warm welcomes, and caring expressed by the church. Tuckahoe is a very special place.

God has given each of us the opportunity to be an integral part of what happens here. Your participation, your service in ministry, and your giving enables you to partner with other believers and God to do great things in and through Tuckahoe.

God has great things in store for Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church as each of you Partner Together With God!

TPC Stewardship Letter