Palm Sunday Special Day of Service

We are planning a unique Spring All-Church Clean Up experience. There will be a day of service at the church following a Palm Sunday Worship Service next Sunday.  Join us for Fellowship in Duntreath Hall at 9 am prior to our traditional Palm Sunday service (with palms and a procession!) at 9:30 am. Immediately following worship, we’ll have a dedication prayer and work together around the church to prepare for Easter. This will be a different type of Sabbath. A list of tasks will be prepared prior to Palm Sunday so you can target your talents where you’d like to help. There will projects appropriate for all ages and abilities.  Don’t wear your usual Sunday clothes. Dress casually for outside and inside projects and grab your name tags, so that we can call each other by name while we serve! Contact Tom Lee, 740-4907 or the church office if you have suggestions or questions.