Information Letter Jan. 23, 2023

January 23, 2023

Dear Tuckahoe Members and Friends:

In this letter I will be sharing with you the latest updates about this transitional period at Tuckahoe.  I believe this is an exciting time for the church and hope you are feeling the same!  Here is the latest:


January 22 – Soup and Conversation: Over 80 members attended this past Sunday’s luncheon and had an opportunity to hear and discuss the findings and conclusions of the Mission Study Team (MST).  Following the luncheon, members provided their input and feedback on these findings to Elders and members of the MST.  These conversations will be considered at a Session Retreat in early February.

January 25 – Session Meeting: At its regular monthly meeting the Session will finalize the Ministry Information Form [MIF] which defines the role of the Interim Pastor at Tuckahoe.  Once this document is completed and approved, the work of the Interim Search Committee can begin.  Please pray for members of this committee–Walter Smith, Pat Macaulay and Walter Hogan—as they begin this important work.

February 5 – Session Retreat:  Session will meet after worship on February 5 and, utilizing the feedback from the January 22 Congregational Conversation, will finalize the Mission Study Report and determine which recommendations need to be implemented.  Stay tuned for more information following the retreat.

February – Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry (COM) Meeting: We anticipate receiving approval to elect a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) at the February meeting of COM.  The PNC will serve as the committee to do the important work of seeking Tuckahoe’s next Pastor.  Be in prayer for the selection of the right people to be elected to this critical committee.

Lenten Season…beginning February 22: Our theme for the 2023 Lenten Season is “Becoming Christian.”  I am delighted to introduce Rev. Roger Gench who will be with us preaching every Sunday starting February 19 throughout the Lenten Season, providing teaching and preaching leadership. Rev. Gench retired after 17 years as pastor of New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC.  He and his wife, Dr. Francis Taylor Gench, live in the Bellevue area of Richmond. Francis is Professor of New Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary. You can learn more about Roger in his biography included in this letter.

Dr. Gench will be leading us on Sundays beginning February 19 and through these Lenten Services:

Ash Wednesday Service, February 22

Palm Sunday Service, April 2

Maundy Thursday Service, April 6

Good Friday Service, April 7

Easter Sunrise Service, April 9

Easter Sunday Worship Service, April 9

In addition to these worship services, Dr. Gench will lead a Sunday morning Lenten Study beginning Sunday, February 26. This class will be studying the book Being Christian, Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer by Rowan Williams and will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 10:15 in Room 106.  All are welcome to attend. See the attached flyer for more information and please sign up on our website if interested where you can request a book if needed:


Watch for more specifics and details about all of these happenings.  It is a full plate for our active, engaged, and energetic congregation.  Transition at Tuckahoe is not about standing still, but about full steam ahead.  Join in, participate, be a part of this important time in the life of Tuckahoe Presbyterian!



Rev. Carson Rhyne


See HERE for the Lenten Study flyer