Announcing Tuckahoe’s Installed Pastor!

June 18, 2024

Dear Members and Friends of Tuckahoe,

Last weekend was a new and wonderful experience for Tuckahoe Church.  It was called “Candidating Weekend” where our pastoral candidate, Rev. Keli Cooper, was with us socially and spiritually.  Feedback I have received indicated deep appreciation to the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) for this new approach in calling a pastor.

The Ice Cream Social on Saturday went very well and provided an informal opportunity to meet Keli, her husband Marcus, and their children Annie and Mac.  The Gelati Celesti ice cream was a big hit and provided a grand opportunity for all ages to be together.  Sunday morning, Rev. Cooper led us in worship after which the PNC gave a full report on their search and their reason for recommending Keli.

The strong congregational vote to affirm the PNC’s recommendation that Rev. Cooper be the next installed pastor at Tuckahoe was a great ending to the weekend.  There was tremendous energy and excitement as the church enters the next phase of ministry.

I have four more Sundays with you ending on July 14.  Keli begins work on July 29 and will lead worship for the first time on Sunday, August 4.  That is also Communion Sunday and a great way to begin your ministry together.

In addition, we will ordain and install new officers on Sunday, June 30, for the officer leadership transition beginning July 1.  This is the summer of transition in many ways and the beginning of a new era in the life of the congregation.

The future of Tuckahoe is bright! Come, join in accomplishing the goals of our Mission Study and continue to live into our mission: Called by God to be the heart, voice, hands and feet of Christ where the Spirit leads us.

Blessings for each of us in this new day,

Rev. Carson Rhyne