Advent Devotional

Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation.  But as we journey closer to Christmas, it is so easy to get caught up in the commercialism and sucked into a vortex of indulgence, from decor to gifts to calorie-rich foods.  However, the coming of Jesus invites us to slow down and anticipate the season. Join us as we together read through Walter Brueggemann’s advent devotion, Celebrating Abundance.  Through his book, we will train, “our eyes to see through the rough stable, the adolescent mother, and the anxious escape to Egypt, so we can see in that poverty and powerlessness the wonder of God’s abundant life and grace coming down to dwell among us.” Sunday sermons, Tuesday Prayer Group and Sunday School classes, if they choose, will use this book to prepare for Christmas.  We want all of Tuckahoe to celebrate Abundance with us, so we will provide copies of the book, beginning November 25th, so you can read along with us, see through different eyes and celebrate the joyful and abundant life Christ gives to us.